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The artworks are made with acrylic paint (Amsterdam) on canvases (spruce and fir wood). For individualized artwork, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page. After mutual agreement, it is possible to choose between 2-3 different main colors and the contrast used (black or white). Individual creations of artwork may take several months before completion.

The Stranger Castle in the Desert Time in Universe Southern Sea Chinese Wall Disrupted Cold War Golden Hills Mental Illness Swiss Alpes Creative Mind Moon and Sea Mermaid Fearless In Rage In the Woods
The Stranger
Castle in the Desert
Time in Universe
Southern Sea
Chinese Wall
Cold War
Golden Hills
Mental Illness
Swiss Alpes
Creative Mind
Moon and Sea
In Rage
In the Woods


Prices may vary depending on the size of canvases and complexity.

Some nonbinding indications of prices for 3 different packages (paintings excl. transportation) are as follows:

1 canvas (80cm x 80cm) approx. CHF 300.-
2 canvases (1m x 1m each) approx. CHF 600.-
3 canvases (50cm x 1m each) approx. CHF 500.-


Sintharra, the artist’s pseudonym, paints abstract artwork with acrylic. Born and raised in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, she is very dedicated to both her passions: art and music. Melancholic and sentimental music inspires her to express her feelings on canvas, aiming towards imparting her experience tangibly by visualizing it.



Sintharra, the artist’s pseudonym, paints abstract artwork with acrylic. Born and raised in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, she is very dedicated to both her passions: art and music. Melancholic and sentimental music inspires her to express her feelings on canvas, aiming towards imparting her experience tangibly by visualizing it.



Winterthur, Switzerland

For any questions, please use the contact form below or send us an email. We are happy to help.


Owner and operator of the website is:

Valérie Kastner
Auwiesenstrasse 19
8406 Winterthur


Kokona takes protection of personal data very seriously. We follow national and international laws, regulatory obligations, guidelines, and best practices to guarantee the highest level of security and transparency of personal data for our visitors.

If you have any more comments or questions regarding the collection and processing of your personal data please contact us via email at

Personal Data Collecting and Processing

Kokona is, depending on the client relationship (if any), collecting and processing this kind of personal data:
  - Any access to our web services including data submitted by your web browser like timestamp, IP address, hostname, browser name, browser language, operating system and requested ressource.
  - Where applicable, professional information about customers and partners like name and contact information.

Depending on the customer relationship, data will fall into one of the following categories:
  1. Necessary for the legitimate interest of kokona, without affecting personal interest or fundamental right in freedoms
  2. Necessary for preparing or executing services or products a customer has requested at kokona
  3. Required to meet our national and international legal or regulatory obligations

Kokona is processing personal data for providing products and services requested by clients and for ensuring security for our web site and systems. If there is any other purpose we will inform you in time which will allow you to prohibit further collecting and processig of your personal data.

Access To Personal Data

Data at is accessible by internal employees only. We follow the least privilege principle where access is limited to employees only. We are not sharing any kind of personal data with third parties, service providers, or the public. We are not working with ad networks nor are we embedding social media buttons.

The web site of is located in Switzerland. All personal data is stored in Switzerland and will not be transferred or shared outside Switzerland. During your access or submission data might traverse other countries and adjacent companies (like internet service provider, mail server, web hoster). We have no influence on the basic technological and topological structure of such Internet connections.

Retention Time

Kokona will only retain personal data as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. This retention time will comply with legal, regulatory and internal policy requirements. After that retention period the data will be deleted.

Exercising Rights and Complaints

If you have any questions or are not satisfied with the collecting and processing of your personal data by Kokona, we would be happy to discuss the matters with you and find an acceptable solution. If you would like to speak to us about the use of your personal data, you can send feedback by email at

Security Note

We have state-of-the-art technical and organizational security measures in place to prevent the unauthorized and unlawful access and misuse of personal data. Regular security testing of our services helps us to reduce the attack surface. And further monitoring, logging, and alerting systems help us to identify and react to attack attempts quickly.

Status of Privacy Notice

This privacy notice was updated in February 2019. It is a notice explaining what <em>kokona</em> does. It is not a contractual agreement with customers. We reserve the right to change this notice as needed.